What Do We Treat?

Pelvic floor and other musculoskeletal dysfunction throughout the lifespan can be pretty vague. So let’s break it down!

Pee and Poop Problems

It doesn’t feel great when the toilet controls your life. Many people may tell you pee and poop problems are normal… but they would be wrong.

Pelvic Organ Prolapse Problems

Do you ever feel heaviness, pressure, bulging, or something falling out of your vagina? That could be pelvic organ prolapse and there is something you can do about it!

Pain Problems

It doesn’t matter where the pain is located, not feeling your best can reduce your quality of life. Get back control now!

Diastasis Recti Problems

Help! My belly looks like I have an alien poking out when I do sit ups. Should I be worried?

You deserve a life full of abundance.